Author: heather

Hart, Bill

William Ewart Hart (Bill) was one of Australia’s first airmen. He was born in Parramatta on 20 April 1885. At 16 he was apprenticed to

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 Tuberculosis and other diseases in the settlement of early Beecroft   Because of its altitude, a fact often included in advertising material for early subdivisions

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Hearnshaw, Eric

 Eric Hearnshaw (1893-1967) MM, B Ec, Dip Pub Admin, [1] was one of the longest serving State Members of Parliament who has ever represented Beecroft.

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Henry (c1817-1821) In March 1819 two year old Henry of the Kissing Point tribe was admitted to the Black Town Institute. Of this establishment on Richmond

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Herring, Lesley

Lesley George Herring (1846-1913) first purchased land in Beecroft in 1887 between present day Chapman Avenue and Hannah Streets and on both sides of York

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Higgin’s Store

Samuel Higgins and his store Glasgow-born Samuel Higgins came to Australia at the age of three with his family. In 1903, when Samuel was 27

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Higgins, Samuel

Samuel Higgins Thomas Higgins (1835 to 1914) and his wife Jane, née Lindsay (1843-1906) were married in Kilmarnock, Scotland, in 1875. It was Jane’s third

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Hilder, Jesse

and Meadmore family  Jesse Jewhurst Hilder(1881-1916) [1] was born in Toowoomba Queensland on 23 July 1881. After completing schooling he was employed by the Bank of

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Holcombe, Harry

Harry Octavius Holcombe (born 1856) left the United Kingdom when aged 24 carrying a letter of introduction to Robert Tooth of the brewing company. Tooth

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Hooker, Les

Sir Leslie Joseph (L.J.) Hooker was arguably Australia’s most successful real estate agent. He spent a decade of his youth in Beecroft. He was born

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