Beecroft and Cheltenham History Group

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Our little group of volunteers is always looking for content. The content you give us may be added to the website or simply retained for posterity or for a future article.

If you see a gap in the history we have here we would love you to add some content. The easiest way is to click on the button and upload a document.


Originally part of the homeland of the Wallumeda people, the traditional owners of the land, Beecroft and Cheltenham are almost unique among Sydney suburbs, as large parts of them are heritage areas.

Situated 26.5 kilometres from Redfern Station, then the Sydney terminus, Beecroft developed along the railway line from Sydney to Newcastle, opening in 1886. It was a small platform in the middle of nowhere, named after Hannah Copeland, the wife of Henry Copeland, Secretary (ie Minister) for Lands. The first land sales took place here in 1887.

Cheltenham, named after the home town of a significant early settler, William Chorley, was the name given to the railway station opened in 1898, 25 Km from Sydney.

Both suburbs became known for their quiet village atmosphere and fine gardens. Despite closer development throughout Sydney over the last few decades, they retain something of the semi-rural atmosphere of their origins. Many significant people have had associations with Beecroft and Cheltenham. Some of their stories can be found here.

Now available  - Beecroft and Cheltenham Heritage Walks 2nd ed.

Copies can be purchased by emailing the History Group at:

It was very exciting for the History Group to receive copies of the heavily revised second edition of its Heritage Walks of Beecroft and Cheltenham from the printer. The first edition was published in 2004 and much has changed since then. New walks have also been added. The book contains beautiful photographs by local photographer Ran Fuchs. At $25.00 it is an excellent read and resource. 

Beecroft and Cheltenham Heritage Walks Second Edition

Beecroft /Cheltenham

Mouse over image to see name.
Click to be taken to article.


We’re excited to hear from you! Share your piece of history that is relevant to Beecroft and Cheltenham to our knowldge base. 

You do not need to be an expert. Just share your piece of history with us and if we think it is of significant interest, we do do further research.

You can upload the following file types: jpg, gif, png, bmp, pdf, doc, docx, odf.

The maximimum fille size is 20mb. If your file is too big or you need more space then please get in contact.