Churches – Brethren
In 1913 members of the Brethren engaged a contractor to build a timber Gospel Hall on the northern side of Malton Street (now Chapman Avenue), between Beecroft Road and what is now Wongala Crescent. The building was constructed by Mr Cousins with assistance from George Whiteman and Mr Wynn, each of Sutherland Road. On Sundays, they broke bread at 10 am, had Sunday School at 3 pm and had a Gospel Address at 7.30 pm. Prayer meetings were held on Wednesdays and a bible reading held every evening at 7.45 pm [1].
The Brethren subsequently moved into a new Gospel Hall in Chapman Avenue to the west of Beecroft Road.
Early in the 2000s the Brethren purchased the building that had formerly been St Peter’s Anglican Church on corner of Murray Farm and Orchard Roads to also use as a meeting hall.
[1] Beecroft Cheltenham History Group Beecroft and Cheltenham: the shaping of a Sydney community to 1914 (privately published, Beecroft, 1995) pp 233-4; Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate 2 August 1913