WW I Soldiers of Beecroft and Cheltenham


The purpose was to identity all Beecroft and Cheltenham WWI soldiers, along with those who had some association with these two suburbs.

The information is a snapshot only.  More information is contained in the sources below.


There are a number of databases for World War I which can be accessed

 Australian War Memorial records     Link: Australian War Memorial records

Trove (National Library of Australia) – Books, images, newspapers, maps, archives, etcT  Link:  Trove (National Library of Australia)

NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages Link:  NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages


Book: “Beecroft and Cheltenham in WWI” by Tony Cunneen

Published by Deerubbin Press in association with Hornsby Shire Council, 2006

Rolls of Honour/Honour Boards

·         Beecroft Church of England

·         Beecroft Presbyterian Church

1.      Beecroft Rolls of Honour / Honour Boards

2.      Trove newspapers (where found and considered relevant)

3.      Tony Cunneen book “Beecroft and Cheltenham in WWI”

4.      Australian War Memorial online records (various databases available)

5.      NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (to identify relationships)

Problems encountered to some degree:

§  Full names not recorded on honour rolls or in newspaper articles.

§  Misspelling of either first name or last name in Australian War Memorial online records, on honour rolls or newspapers

§  Beecroft Public School ex-students who came from neighbouring suburbs

§  Beecroft enlistments also covered Thornleigh and Pennant Hills volunteers

§  Soldiers from other areas also farewelled at Beecroft  

§  Persons not found in War Memorial online records, because they enlisted overseas, were already commissioned in the British Army or had honorary ranks in the Australian Army

§  Persons of a common name with numerous entries in War Memorial online