Category: Changing Times


Agriculture in the District. The National Geographic Society says that ‘agriculture’ is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock.

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Beecroft School of Arts

Early residents in Beecroft quickly established a community life for the new village. Churches were built. Shops were built. An area, which became the Village

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Boer War

While there was much public celebration of colonial involvement in what we now call the Boer War, no public activity to celebrate sending a young

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Christmas in Beecroft and Cheltenham As a community, Christmas has been noted in Beecroft since at least the coming of the churches with their celebrations

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Cook Captain James

Persons of Interest Captain James Cook, Chorley and Cheltenham  In 2020, the 250th anniversary of the sighting of Australia by Captain James Cook, it is

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 Tuberculosis and other diseases in the settlement of early Beecroft   Because of its altitude, a fact often included in advertising material for early subdivisions

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