Copeland Road (originally Copeland Street)
Northern (or odd numbered) side
This road was originally called Copeland Street and Copeland Road was the road to the east of the railway line. Because of the confusion this caused the road name was changed.
3-5 (also formerly known as 587 Pennant Hills Road, Beecroft).
For the early grant and ownership of this land see the item on Early Settlement.
The earliest reference to a house on this property may be in an advertisement to lease Mount Wilberforce Farm on which there was a “newly erected verandah cottage” recently occupied by Mr W P Palmer [1]. A subsequent advertisement in 1847 referred to a “farm of 100 acres at Pennant Hills with a cottage and under cultivation” [2].
When Mount Wilberforce Estate was sold in 1855 it was subdivided into 3 lots with the third of 30 acres being purchased by Edward James Maher for 363 pounds. Unlike lots 1 and 2 the advertisement expressly states that lot 3 (which comprises this land) did not contain a cottage [3].
For information on Edward James Maher see his entry under People.
According to family history there was a shepherd’s cottage on the land and this was occupied and extended by Edward James Maher and his wife Brigid. They added a timber wing of 5 or 6 bedrooms to help accommodate their 14 children. Edward James Maher died in this property, called “Mount Wilberforce” on 17 September 1894 aged 63 years. Under his will this property, now called “Home Farm” was gifted to his son Charles Ambrose Maher however his widow Brigid and unmarried son James continued to live in the house until Brigid’s death in 1905 [4].
Following the death of Charles Ambrose Maher in 1929 the land passed to Charles’ son Wallace Michael Maher, and he subdivided the land by plan dated 6 September 1933. The corner block containing this property, now just over 5 acres, was sold to Gordon Holdsworth Musgrave, a customs agent of Sydney for 650 pounds. Musgrave appears to have lived in the house which, in an aerial photograph of 1943 remains the only house in this part of Beecroft. He subdivided in 1948 and the house block, now of just over 2 acres, was sold to Alfred Clive McGrath and Mona Catherine McGrath. The McGraths further subdivided in 1950, 1956 and 1961 but always retained 587 Beecroft Road. The McGraths lived in the house and he is described as a poultry farmer. The McGraths sold this site in 1966 to George Ernest Littlewood and his wife Ann Vivienne Littlewood. He was a public relations officer living in Neutral Bay. They then sold it in 1968 to Frederick Arthur James and his wife Gillian Hope James. James was a company manager of Darling Point.
The house was built, facing east, with its rear to Pennant Hills Road and originally contained two rooms, brick walls and a chimney. There was a west wing built possibly in the 1940s. The house was significantly damaged by fire in 2009 after which the west wing was enlarged and rebuilt.
There is a Moreton Bay fig in the grounds of the house which can be seen as an established tree in the 1943 aerial photograph.
The house was demolished without Council approval in June 2018 and then rebuilt in the middle of the over 50s development known as Copeland Green.
[1] Sydney Gazette and NSW Advertiser, 9 May 1839.
[2] Sydney Morning Herald, 14 August 1847 p 4
[3] Sydney Morning Herald 7 May 1855 p 7
[4] NBRS + Partners Pt Ltd Statement of Heritage Impact: 587 Pennant Hills Road, West Pennant Hills (Milsons Point, 2015) p9; Cumberland Argus, 14 January 1905
25.This was the home of Max & Ruth Butler in 1934-1935.
29. In 1937 this was the home of the local Presbyterian Minister, A M Ogilvie, his wife Ethel and their family.
63 Was the home of William Townsend (Bill) Onus Jnr between 1936 and 1942. While living here, he was a filmmaker, boomerang thrower and leading Aboriginal activist [1].
[1] More information on Bill Onus can be found under People on this web site.
71. The house and garden are listed on the Hornsby Shire Council Heritage Register which comprises Schedule 5 (Environmental Heritage) of the Hornsby Local Environment Plan 2013.
91, Wolobrai [1]. The original home was built in 1907 and was the home of Robert Alfred and Emilie Mary (‘Chickie’) [2] Quodling [also see his item in the personal stories under People – Individuals]. Following his wife’s death it then became the home for his second wife and then of his son Harold and his family.
The house name derived from the childhood home of Emilie May in Mosman. [3] The home was designed by Quodling and was in the Federation style, with tall chimneys, large bay window, timber trim on the front verandah and a side entrance. It was set well back from the road on the highest part of the block and had a large garden. On a clear day the sand hills of Botany could be seen from the front verandah.
The house was largely destroyed by fire in 1984. The remnants were pulled down and a new home built.
[1] Photograph is in Beecroft and Cheltenham History Group Beecroft and Cheltenham: the shaping of a community (Beecroft, 1997) p 144
[2] Sydney Morning Herald 23 March 1910
[3] Sydney Morning Herald 9 January 1897
95-97, Rowallan (The Ifield House).
Following the sale of part of the Field of Mars Common by the then State Government in 1887, to help fund the infrastructure build of the main northern railway, the land now known as 95-97 Copeland Road was purchased by Frederick Mason [also see his item in the personal stories under People – Individuals]. A picture of Frederick and his wife Eliza is to be found at page 259 of the History Group’s publication “Beecroft and Cheltenham: the shaping of a Sydney Community to 1914.”
Mason was 40 years old when he purchased the land. His home was called Fiona and was located on the southern side of Copeland Road near Hull Road. As might be expected from his name, he was a builder, but he was also known in Beecroft as an orchardist and he covered this land with fruit trees. In 1892 he also held a licence to run a dairy. In 1912 he built the first bowling green in Beecroft next to his home. A strong Christian, he and his family hosted early Methodist (now Uniting Church) services in their home and subsequently helped to build the first Methodist church. To hold the services in his weatherboard home, Mason opened two rooms to make into one – with his daughter Gertrude teaching Sunday School in the kitchen: with its red ochred flagstone floor. Gertrude also played the family organ to lead the Wesleyan hymn singing. Despite being a builder of many grand homes in Beecroft, Mason, in accordance with his Christian beliefs, lived modestly.
Mason claimed to be the first permanent resident in Beecroft and his wife Eliza later told her family that she was the first person to buy a railway ticket at Beecroft Station.
In 1907 water was connected to the property and Mason subdivided part of his orchard with 95-97 being purchased by John Wallace who then built his home, probably in 1910, called “Rowallan.” Wallace was a flour merchant with premises in Pitt Street Sydney. This was his third home in Beecroft and he was active in Beecroft affairs as he was a member of the School of Arts, progress association and first president of the Beecroft Bowling Club. Indeed, he was also one-time Treasurer of the NSW Bowling Association and so was clearly a very keen bowler. His portrait is on page 248 of the Beecroft History.
Wallace’s home was set in a remnant of Mason’s orchard and was very similar in design to its neighbour to the east, called Strathallan which was owned by William J Lyon. Their proximity and similarity allow the presumption that both homes had the same architect and/or builder. As both Mason and his son (also a Frederick Mason) were both builders who built speculative homes in Beecroft it is possible that the Mason father and son may have been the builders of both homes. A picture of the homes beautifully positioned in a flowering orchard can be found at page 93 of the Beecroft History.
Following Wallace’s death in 1917, his widow Agnes continued (with some exceptions) to live in her home until 1927 when her son-in-law William John Debenham Lyon (of the house next door with his wife being Margaret Mary nee Wallace) became the owner. Mrs Wallace had rented out the property to Father John Mimnagh in 1923 and Mrs C E Raybone in 1924-5. Father Mimnagh was a Catholic priest who had been born in Longford Ireland and priested in 1891 at All Hallows College Dublin in 1891. From 1893 he served for quarter of a century as parish priest in Bundaberg even becoming its Mayor. He then left for health reasons and remained in cooler climes of Blackheath, Hobart and Beecroft. He died in 1951. [2]
Between 1927 and 1950 Lyon rented out the property. Between 1929 and 1932 to Robert Stevenson. In 1950 he then sold the property to Elizabeth Sage who with her husband David, lived in Beecroft. She then sold the house the next year to Richard Joseph Ifield.
Ifield (1909-1982) was an engineer and prolific inventor (especially in aeronautics) and came to Australia with his employer Lucas Industries. In 1963 he bought out the NSW business of this English company and re-named it R J Ifield & Co Pty Ltd. He was a fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Engineers. After his arrival in Australia he originally lived with his family in Dural where he established his business. Despite his own considerable achievements he is probably now best known as the father of Frank Ifield the Australian singer famous for his yodelling. Frank therefore lived in this home from his teenage years. Frank hosted the first music show “Campfire Favourites” on TV Channel 9 in 1958 before going to England where he eventually recorded “I remember you” which became the first single to sell a million copies in Britain. He went on to be the first person to have three successive number 1 hits in Britain and even had a young support act hailing from Liverpool who called themselves The Beatles.
Following Frank’s father’s death the house was sold in 1984 to Ian & Helen Miller who, until recently, lived in it as their family home for the next 3 decades. The house has had some significant changes made to it – especially in the 1960s and early 1990s.
Following the sale of the property the house was demolished and a series of townhouses erected there in 2020.
[1] Photograph is in Beecroft and Cheltenham History Group Beecroft and Cheltenham: the shaping of a community (Beecroft, 1997) p 93
[2] Blue Mountains Advertiser, 25 February 1949; Blue Mountains Echo, 12 May 1922; Marvborough Chronicle, 24 February 1951
99, Strathallan. The early history of this property is the same as 95-97 “Rowallan” and was sold by Mason in 1909 to William John Debenham Lyon. This property was built c 1908 by John Wallace. William J Lyon lived here from at least 1915 to 1932 [1]. Lyon’s son married one of the Wallace girls who lived next door [see the story of 95-97 Copeland Road] while a daughter, Joyce, married John son of J A North of Malton Road Beecroft [2].
Lyon sold the house in 1943 to Joseph Callose an importer already living in Beecroft. He in turn sold to William Wesley Johns and passed on his death in 1957 to his widow. She sold it to Gwyneth Rose Darling in 1958. Ms Darling subdivided the land and the house block ended in the ownership of Patricia May Nicholson, wife of Peter Theodore Nicholson and engineer of Beecroft. This was the address of P Nicholson for membership of the Civic Trust between 1989 and 2005. Upon the death of Mrs Nicholson the house was sold in 2019. The new owners have submitted an application to demolish the house and subdivide the land in 2020 [3].
[1] Photograph is in Beecroft and Cheltenham History Group Beecroft and Cheltenham: the shaping of a community (Beecroft, 1997) p 93
[2] Sydney Morning Herald 21 October 1946
[3] G Patch, Archnex Designs Statement of Heritage Impact 28 August 2020
105, Westgarth [1]. This property was first purchased by Frederick Mason [see 95-97 Copeland Road and his item in the personal stories under People – Individuals] who used it as part of his orchard. He sold to John Laurie, a property developer in 1907. He in turn sold to William James Taylor and his wife Helen (Nellie) Gertrude around 1911. They built the home which they called Westgarth in 1911 (because a newspaper dated 1911 was found behind the fireplace in the dining room) and lived there until the 1940s.
Taylor was an accountant working in the Sydney CBD and was a keen gardener. He died in 1940.
Mrs Taylor came from a distinguished missionary family. Her parents were Rev Stephen Mark Creagh (born 1826 Plymouth England to 1902) and his second wife Mrs Sarah Ann Creagh.(born 1829 Raratonga to 1915). Her father was sent by the London Missionary Society to the Loyalty Islands in 1858 and remained there for 38 years during which time he and his wife translated the Bible into one of the indigenous languages. He was made a Life Governor of the London Missionary Society. His wife was one of the daughters of Rev Aaron Buzacott (1800-1864)[2] who had also been sent to the Loyalty Islands by the London Missionary Society. One of Mrs Buzacott’s sisters (Jane) married Charles Hardie also a missionary in the Loyalty Islands and another to the Rev James Sewell working in South India. Her brother, George Hitchcock was one of the founders of the YMCA.[3]
Mrs Sarah Creagh died at Westgarth in 1915 aged 86 years.
Apart from her mother staying with her, Helen also had her sister, Annie Caroline Creagh staying with her for many years. Helen and her sister Annie were both artists. Annie exhibited in Beecroft as early as 1918 [4] When she died in 1951 Annie was described as late of Beecroft.[5]
The Taylors had 4 children – Wilfred, Irene, Margaret and Betty. Betty married a local boy in 1928: Arthur Preston who lived at Craigtura on the corner of what is now Fiona and Hull Roads. They initially lived with her parents at Westgarth.
The Taylor’s had the telephone connected in 1932 and had telephone number Epping 227.
In the 1970s the then owner, Anthony Carter who was a teacher at The Kings School subdivided the land into what is now 103 and 105A Copeland Road. He sold in 1973 to Mr & Mrs Blackshaw who remained until Mr Blackshaw’s death in 1984 when they sold to Mrs Roberts. She remained there until 2010 when she sold to Rae and Tim Clark who undertook significant restorative work before selling in 2016 [6].
[1] A significant portion of this history was supplied by Rae Clark in an email to Roderick Best dated 23 August 2012
[2] accessed 24 June 2015
[3] Gunson, N Messengers of Grace (Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1978 pp 46, 345, 347
[4] Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate 30 March 1918
[5] Sydney Morning Herald 12 February 1951
[6] Northern District Times, 7 September 2016
107, Glendalough. Originally owned by Frederick Mason [see 95-97 Copeland Road and his item in the personal stories under People – Individuals] and used as part of his orchard he sold the land on 21 February 1910 to Eleanor Theresa Doran the wife of James. At this time the sale was ‘subject to building consent and so the house was presumably built shortly thereafter. For the history of this property from 1910 until 1920 see 109, Bellingara.
When Doran sold in 1920 the purchaser [1] of this land and house was Henry G Levy who lived there from 1921 to 1931 and then following his death in that year [2] his widow Mrs Lucy Clare Levy is recorded as being there at least until 1935. The Levy family had arrived in Beecroft in 1914 [3]. The family included Mrs Levy’s mother (Sarah Jacobs) and at least one son, Michael, as well as daughters [4]. He was a furniture manufacturer in the City who was actively involved in matters concerning the youth of the district. He was therefore President of the Parents & Citizens body of the Beecroft Primary School and founded the North West Sydney District of Scouts [5]. He also a keen bowler, a Mason and a practising Jew [6]. The Levy daughters conducted a nursery from this site.
[1] Land Titles Office Certificate of Title Vol 988 Folio 10 and Vol 2041 Fol 175
[2] Sydney Morning Herald 18 July 1931; Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate 24 July 1931
[3] Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate 10 January 1914 p 8
[4] Daily Advertiser, 18 December 1925 p2; Hebrew Standard, 7 November 1919 p 12.
[5] Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate 5 June 1920, 26 February 1921, Sydney Morning Herald 18 July 1931.
[6] Sydney Morning Herald 23 June 1924; 18 July 1931; Hebrew Standard 24 July 1931 p 6
109, Bellingara. The original 4 lots upon which this property forms part were acquired on the sale of the Field of Mars Common in 1887 by a real estate agent, George Dyson of Sydney. He presumably held it for speculative purposes. He sold the two corner lots in 1889 to William Allsopp of Picton a Railway Employee. The other two lots were sold in 1908 to Walter Herbert Nichols of Tilba Tilba, a butcher.
The corner lots were then sold in 1896 to James Doran the Station Master at Beecroft and in 1916 James’ wife Eleanor Theresa Doran buys most of the other two lots. James Doran is recorded as living on the site in 1912 but it is possible that the house was built as early as 1910. The house at 107 was included in this parcel and so is presumed to be the Doran’s home with what is now 109 Copeland Road being the garden to this property.
From 1912 James Doran had his father living with him. The father, Patrick Doran, was a third cousin of Cardinal Moran, the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney. Patrick came from Leighlan Bridge in Ireland and had lived in NSW for over 50 years – during which time he had worked at Muswellbrook Railway Station until he retired in1912 [1].
After the death of the father, until 1920 the house and garden was rented to Mrs Constance Mitchell. The garden comprising the present 109 was then sold in 1923 to Ann Elizabeth Firth of Beecroft, a widow.
Later that same year Mrs Firth sold the property to Leslie Alfred Redgrave (1882-1956) and he called it Bellingara. Leslie Redgrave was the son of Charles Alfred Hurst Redgrave and Mary Jane (nee Bellingham). His father was Chamber Magistrate at the Central Police Court. In 1899 when he and a number of other lads got into a fight after stealing pears. His father sued one of the other boys for assault on his son. The other family cross –claimed. This action brought much comment initially from the magistrate and then from the Supreme Court when he appealed [2]. He was born in Newtown. He went to Newington and passed the entrance exam to the University of Sydney in 1902 from which he obtained a Bachelor of Arts. He married at St Leonards to Ruby Ella Bird (b 1886). He conducted a school in Wagga as well as farming in Inverell and practising as an architect [3].
Mr Redgrave had a breakdown in his health and he came to live in Beecroft. He had a telephone installed by at least 1931 and it remained in his name until 1944 with number Epping 1099. He was a school master and author.
As Redgrave described himself as an architect he may have also been the architect of the home that he built for his family on this site.
In 1939, Redgrave’s son (Ronald Leslie) sought to marry Shirley Walker, 18, of Bondi. Her mother sought out an injunction in the Supreme Court on the basis that Ronald was unable to support her daughter as he only had one leg. The matter was settled after it was agreed to delay the wedding for 18 months by which time Shirley would have attained her majority [4].
While in Beecroft (and previously), Redgrave published and self-published a number of books including Gwen: a romance of Australian Station life (1913), Scatch Cocky: a booklet of the bright birds of our bushland pictured in colour and rhyme for children (1933), Feathered favourites: a booklet of bird verse (1932) and Little bungalows: a practical handbook for the homemaker (1937). Of the book ‘Feathered Favourites’ it was said: “apparently the author is an invalid and the presence of the birds in his garden give him unceasing pleasure” [5].
The property was transferred into the name of Ruby Ella Redgrave in 1931.
Leslie moved to live at Oura via Wagga in 1943 and he died in Wagga in 1956.
In 1939 Alice Walker, widow of Bondi, took out a Supreme Court injunction to stop her under aged daughter (Shirley) from marrying Ronald Leslie Redgrave the son of this household. The matter was settled by Shirley and Ronald agreeing to defer the wedding.
In 1956 the property was sold to Frank Gallaway and his wife Valda Elaine. He was a marine engineer.
1n 1959 it was sold to Ronald Bennetts of Beecroft. Mr Bennetts was an engineer. It was his home (and that of his family) from then until 2012. The house was then purchased, demolished and the land cleared.
[1] Sydney Morning Herald 19 September 1919
[2] Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate 10 February 1899 p6; Evening News 8 February 1899 p6
[3] Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga) 30 January 1943 p2
[4] Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate 20 September 1939; Sydney Morning Herald 27 September 1939 p8
[5] The Land 3 March 1933 p15; The Farmer and Settler 14 December 1933, p16
111, Heatherfield. This was the home of Nicholas Villar Shiels from at least 1915 to 1932. His parents lived next door at 115 – where he presumably grew up. For his life see the story for 115 Copeland Road.
115, Leckhampton. The home of John S Shiels from 1921 to at least 1932 – although his son Nicholas Villar Shiels is recorded as the householder in 1927. John S Shiels was secretary of the Beecroft Dramatic and Musical Society in 1910 [1].
The son, Nicholas was an architect: having started as a draughtsman to work up to a salaried partner. He was also a good golfer and played at the Beecroft Gold Club which operated from 1906 to 1912 [see Activities – Sport – Golf]. He played on the same competitive team as Alfred Benjamin Bakewell who was a Brickworks Manager [2]. Shiels was also Club Secretary. Through the Golf Club he met Mrs Bakewell (Gwendoline Needham May nee Creer). He was a single 28 year old living with his parents and she was a 25 year old wife with two children (Edmund born 1905 and Nance born 1907) who had married in 1904 when she was 20. The Bakewell family lived next to Mr Abram [see Persons – Individuals] in Malton Road. In 1911 Shiels was one of the co-respondents in the overnight sensation of the divorce of Mrs Bakewell – “Gay Goings on of Gwenny.” The evidence led was that Shiels and Mrs Bakewell were seen to kiss and that he admitted to sleeping at her home when her husband was away – to protect her with no man in the house, only two servants. The Court found that adultery had been committed: “Shiels had been on undue terms of familiarity with Mrs Bakewell …His Honour had yet to learn that there was such a thing as a platonic embrace between a young married woman and a young unmarried man” [3].
In 1913, Nicholas was one of the founders on the Beecroft Bowling Club and 25 years later was appointed its first patron for his significant contribution over quarter of a century [4].
In 1916 he and has brothers Alexander and John Jnr were farewelled as they went to war [5]. Alexander was mentioned in dispatches for his bravery at Ploegstreet, Messines and Ypes. John Jnr was severely wounded when his hand was shredded in a bombardment at Ypes [6].
This was the address of Mrs F Ritchie for membership of the Civic Trust between 2004 and 2006.
[1] Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, 10 September 1910
[2] Sydney Morning Herald 12 August 1908
[3] Sydney Morning Herald 27 September 1911; Truth 1 October 1911 pp 5, 11.
[4] Sydney Morning Herald 23 December 1935
[5] Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, 11 March 1916.
[6] Cuneen, T. Beecroft and Cheltenham in WWI (Hornsby Shire Council, Hornsby, 2006) p 69
117, Chacura. The home of Joseph O Miller from 1916 to 1929. It was the home of E Edwards in 1931 who seems to have called it Chacura. This was the address of M Bryant for membership of the Civic Trust between 2005 and 2008.
121, Tintenbar. The home of Assistant Professor Alexander Duncan Craig (1872-1929) from 1915 to 1922. When aged 9 years, Craig had arrived in 1881 from England with his father Rev Archibald Duncan Craig. His father was called to the Presbyterian Church in East Maitland where he served until his death in 1883. Craig attended Maitland Grammar and Maitland High School. He married Louise Bertie in Redfern in 1900. He graduated, at the age of 31 years, from the University of Sydney with degrees in Arts and Engineering. He then worked with the Harbour & Works Department, the Post Master Generals and in private practice. In 1913 he was appointed lecturer in surveying with the University of Sydney and eventually became Assistant Professor where he largely established the school of surveying. He was a member of the Surveyors Board, Council of the Geography Society and an associate member of the Institute of Civil Engineers [1]. When he died at the age of 55 years in 1929 he left a wife two sons and three daughters. His brother-in-law was Charles Henry Bertie (1875-1952) the librarian and historian [2].
It was the home of Grace Hubert from 1923-29. It was the home of M Butler in 1931-32 at that time called Warrawee. This was the address of I Dearlove for membership of the Civic Trust in 2005.
The garden is listed on the Hornsby Shire Council Heritage Register which comprises Schedule 5 (Environmental Heritage) of the Hornsby Local Environment Plan 2013.
[1] Daily Telegraph, 27 May 1929; Sydney Morning Herald 28 May 1929 p.12. A eulogy can be found at Sydney Morning Herald 31 May 1929 p.12.
[2] JM Ward “Charles Henry Bertie (1875-1952), Australian Dictionary of Biography (Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1979) Vol. 7 pp278-279.
127, Highwick. This was the home of Harry Octavius Holcombe (see item under People – Individuals) and his family. Originally they built an earlier house nearby in 1896 and the family lived there until 1906 when he built ‘a fine modern villa residence’ closer to Beecroft Road. Above the front door was a leadlight panel containing the Holcombe family crest. The house had a wide and angled verandah on the southern and western sides and a floor plan based around a right-angled hallway. They lived in this house to at least 1932. In the late 1930s he built a new house on the corner of Beecroft and Copeland Roads where he lived until his death in 1943 and Mrs Violet Holcombe died there in 1947.
This was the address of J Callaghan for membership of the Civic Trust between 1993 to 2000.
The house is listed on the Hornsby Shire Council Heritage Register which comprises Schedule 5 (Environmental Heritage) of the Hornsby Local Environment Plan 2013.
Colvinsby: The home to Benjamin J Ball between 1917 and 1918. The home of Dr A C Holt, surgeon, from 1919 to 1927. Dr Holt called it “Yeovahy.” Dr Holt was a founder of the Beecroft Camera Club. [1] It was then occupied by H S Cole from 1928 to 1929 (who called it “Seaton Lodge”) and then W R Schwilk who lived there in 1930 to at least 1932. A son of Mr Schwilk attended Beecroft Grammar School in 1932.[2]
[1] Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, 14 March 1914
[2] Sydney Morning Herald, 27 March 1932
Copeland Gardens was built in 1992 for the Uniting Church. The architect was Hassall & Bros [1].
[1] Beecroft Briefly November 1992 p 4.
Copeland Gardens was built in 1992 for the Uniting Church. The architect was Hassall & Bros [1].
[1] Beecroft Briefly November 1992 p 4.
Southern (even numbered) side.
106 This was the home of Robert Francis Wyly who grew up in South Australia where he became the accountant for Penfold & Co. In 1903 he represented South Australia in lacrosse when playing an interstate match in Sydney. He married Lillian Gordon Loxton (born 1885) in 1911. She was a nurse. In 1913 he was appointed Secretary/Manager for the Sydney Cricket Ground Trust. In 1923 he moved from Manly to Pennant Hills Golf Clubs where he was described as having “youth, strength and good nerves on his side.” He retired in 1944 and died in 1950. His daughter Joan became engaged in 1937 to Flight Lieutenant George Edward Strangman who was killed while flying for the RAF in a snow storm over Europe. She died at the age of 30 years in 1942 [1].
This was the address of J Allen for membership of the Civic Trust between 1992 and 1997.
[1] Sydney Morning Herald, 27 August 1913 p16, 22 August 1942 p18, 25 July 1950 p8; Daily Telegraph, 26 February 1937 p14; Arrow 21 December 1923 p16; Referee 20 August 1913 p1
108 is a brick and stucco Californian cottage built in the 1920s. It has lead light windows.
112 was once the home of the famous Australian actor, Ruth Cracknell and her family.
116 is a brick and stucco home built in the 1930s.
118 is a 1920s cottage with a later second storey addition.