Houses by Street – Lilla Rd

The Glen This land had been purchased by Henry Rawes Whittell in 1887. He was the son of Dr Henry Rawes Whittell of College Street Sydney and he was a surveyor working for the railways and the Registrar-General. In 1884 he had married Amelia Amy Menzies the sister of Mrs John Vernon (Mary) of ‘Cranebrook’  Mallton Road.

Whittell had an extensive interest in botany and horticulture being a member of both the Linnean Society and the Horticulture Society, He grew an experimental plantation of tung oil trees (aleurites fordii) on his property.

The house was originally called “Glen-Ha-fren” and had a frontage to what is now Wongala Crescent – with the house being oriented to obtain city views.