
The Boy Scout Association has been in Beecroft close to 100 years.

Land for the 1st Beecroft was given to the Association by Ida Margaret Byles in memory of her brother Wilfred Peyto Unwin who died during the 1914-1919 war. The land was in modern day York Street abutting Chilworth Reserve – almost opposite the entry to Chilworth Close. When making the offer by letter dated 17 June 1925, Mrs Byles said “It is for the use of the Beecroft Boy Scouts with the view to the erection upon it of a suitable hall. That the natural features of the land are preserved as far as possible and that no trees are felled beyond those actually in the way of the proposed hall …. I understand that having given the land to the Association that it will be inalienable and this is a point which should be carefully considered before the offer is accepted.”

A later trust deed did not include the condition of inalienability and the land was sold – permitting the hall to be demolished, trees removed and two houses constructed some 80 years later.