Cox, Alfred

Alfred Cox and his wife were two of Beecroft original residents and their house one of the earliest built. In 1888 Alfred purchased one acre of land on the corner of Beecroft Parade and Albert Road and built on it a large brick house of eight rooms, the house being two-storeyed on the sloping land at the rear. He was a dyer by trade and a hobby gardener in his spare time, his large garden arousing admiration for the variety and quality of its annuals. Fruit trees were planted in the back garden which ran down to Railway Crescent.[1]

The Beecroft Progress Association was formed in 1891 and Alfred Cox was an active member of the committee. He was also a trustee of the Beecroft Road. He built two brick cottages opposite his home on the other side of the main road.[2]

The Cumberland Argus reported in the summer of 1895: Mr A. Cox’s garden is a sight worth seeing. It is in beautiful order and the attention bestowed upon it is now amply repaid by its appearance. The sunflowers alone are well worth seeing, there being several varieties of the choicest now in full flower. Mr. Cox and his good lady are always willing to show visitors over the same.[3]

Mrs Cox was one of the small group of six local people who met in Mrs Hull’s home in 1890 to plan the building of St John’s Church of England in Beecroft. Although the continual attention given to his garden might indicate good health, Alfred Cox suffered from poor health and he died suddenly in February 1895.[4]

[1] Land Titles Office 993/88; Cumberland Argus, 5 January 1889, 9 February 1895. Their home was the present number 59 Beecroft Road.

[2] Before local governments assumed control of shy roads, trustees were appointed by the State
government to administer the funds are provided. Such men had to be of good repute, as it was their responsibility to determine how the money was spent. Cumberland Argus, 12 January 1895.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Cumberland Argus, 9 February 1895.